Fire Circle
Walk-In Fire Performers Welcome
Spin Fire for the First Time

Fire performers are a remarkable sight, captivating audiences with their skillful manipulation of a variety of props. These props can range from fire poi and staffs to fire hoops and fans, each requiring a unique set of skills and techniques. Fire hooping, combines the rhythmic movement of hula hooping with the thrilling element of fire, creating a stunning visual spectacle. Fire breathing and fire juggling add further layers of complexity and excitement to the performances. The ability of these performers to control and interact with fire, an inherently dangerous and unpredictable element, speaks volumes about their dedication and talent. Their performances are not only visually impressive, but also showcase a combination of physical prowess and artistic expression
Fire Circle features both professional fire performers and welcomes walk-in performers, offering a wide range of experiences for our audience. The featured fire performers also conduct classes, sharing their knowledge of fire performance techniques. They play a key role in promoting fire safety, ensuring all performances maintain a high standard of safety.
Lost40 2023 performers:

Walk-in performers bring a unique and spontaneous element to the event. These performers can be anyone from amateurs to experienced professionals who wish to perform. Anyone can spin fire in the fire circle and we do encourage first-time fire performances.
The people in the fire circle recognize the importance of safety and responsibility when it comes to fire spinning. They have implemented strict safety criteria to ensure that everyone can enjoy the beauty of fire spinning without putting themselves or others in danger. Please read the safety guidelines carefully before participating in the fire circle. Walk-ins must attend the fire safety class and obtain an orange wrist band to be allowed into the fire circle.
Safety Criteria:
1.) Bring your own fire spinning props and fuel: Ensure that you are using high-quality fire spinning props that are in good condition and that you have the appropriate fuel for your prop. It's important to use the recommended fuel for your prop and to handle it with care.
2.) Attend the mandatory fire safety meeting: Before participating in the Fire Circle, attend the mandatory fire safety meeting where you will receive crucial information about the event's fire safety protocols, emergency procedures, and the designated fire spinning area.
3.) Check in with the ring attendant: Before participating in the Fire Circle, check in with the designated ring attendant to ensure that you have all the necessary safety gear, such as fire-resistant clothing, gloves, and a fire blanket. The ring attendant will also verify that you have attended the fire safety meeting and have the appropriate fuel for your prop.
4.) Bring a safety person with you: It is recommended that you bring a designated safety person with you who is trained in fire safety. This person should be aware of the risks involved in fire spinning and be prepared to assist in case of an emergency.